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How to support and empower young social entrepreneurs
23 mars 2023 kl 09:00–09:45

On 23 March, we’re organising the side event ”How to support and empower young social entrepreneurs” during the conference Sweden Innovation Days. The conference (free of charge) will focus on how to enable innovation that has a real impact on our society, environment and economy.
In this session and panel talk, we will share how Malmö University’s Forum for Social Innovation Sweden and IKEA Social Entrepreneurship support young entrepreneurs and start-ups in Sweden.
We will also meet three successful entrepreneurs and listen to their business journeys.
- Charlotte Ahlgren Moritz, Chair of Forum for Social Innovation Sweden and Pro Vice-chancellor at Malmö University
- Åsa Skogström Feldt, Managing Director, IKEA Social Entrepreneurship BV, jury member for the Göran Bredinger Scholarship
- Moderator: Lotta Orban, Project Leader and Communicator, Forum for Social Innovation Sweden, Malmö University
Read more about the event here, and register to Sweden Innovation Days here.