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The Coalition Model

Are you a committed actor working on a societal challenge? Do you want to get in touch with other organisations to exchange knowledge and find joint and new working methods for interaction and collaboration? 

Forum for Social Innovation Sweden (FFSIS) at Malmö University has developed a new meeting model called The Coalition Model. The purpose is to create understanding and share knowledge about different challenges, conditions and possible solutions as well as opportunities for collaboration and innovation by gathering actors from all sectors. The goal is to catalyze interaction and innovative collaboration within a specific societal challenge. 

The coalition method consists of four meetings with different arrangements and exercises. The content is created by the coalition participants and actors together during the meetings. We at FFSIS lead and facilitate the meetings. 

The first meeting focuses on introducing all participants to each other, as well as purpose and goals going forward. Meeting two focuses on formulating a common societal challenge that the coalition’s participants and actors want to work on and the current situation and knowledge exchange. What do the actors need and what do the challenges look like? Meeting three focuses on the future and social imagination. What if? Meeting four is a meeting where we focus on formation and map needs and ideas, to finally land in realization and action. What’s next? 

Problem formulation and knowledge exchange
Workshop about "Social imagination"
Formation, map needs and ideas
Formation and joint initiatives

Based on current and urgent societal challenges where social innovation is part of the solution, actors from all sectors of society have collaborated through the coalition model. So far, we have implemented six coalitions, and together with actors gathered forces based on the following societal challenges: 

1. Coalition for the innovative power of young people

How can we make use of young people’s innovative power both in the labor market and in society at large? 

2. Coalition for equal and complete schooling for young people 

How can actors outside the school promote equal and complete schooling for young people?  

3. Coalition for the equal health of young people through culture 

In what way can culture contribute to more equal health for young people? 

4. Coalition for young people’s social involvement in rural areas 

How can we promote social involvement of young people in rural areas? 

5. Coalition for fairer leisure time 

How can we cooperate in a better way to create fairer leisure time for children and young people? 

6. Coalition for young people in working life 

How can we understand the meeting between young people and working life? What opportunities and challenges are there and for whom? 

In the Coalition for young people and working life twenty actors from academia, civil society, the private sector, and the public sector, with the aim to promote cross-sector dialogue linked to questions regarding young people and the labor market took part and discussed questions such as: What is a job? Have young people’s attitudes to work changed? How do organizations meet the needs of young people? What type of leadership is needed and what values ​​do employers offer young people who are taking their first steps into the labor market? 

actors from civil society (36), public sector (29), private sector (22) and academia (16)
have participated in one of our coalitions.
0 %
of the participants say that they through the coalitions have broadened their network.


Are you interested in joining a coalition? Or do you have an idea for a coalition on a particular societal challenge? Feel free to contact us!

Gloria-Karin López mis
Gloria-Karin López
072-546 48 17