Swedish Philanthropy Summit 2015

När: Måndagen den 27 april kl. 13.00-17.30 med efterföljande nätverksmingel.
Var: Sibeliussalen, Finlandshuset, Snickarbacken 4, Stockholm.
Hur: Anmäl dig till Britt-Marie Nordström, tfn 019-33 37 00

Preliminary program Swedish Philanthropy Summit – 27 april 2015

13.00   Welcome
Johan Eklund, CEO Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum and Professor JIBS
Maria Rankka, CEO Stockholm Chamber of Commerce

13.10   Moral capital in the 21st century
Zoltan Acs, Professor London School of Economics

13.40   Does philanthropy merit scholarly attention?
Charles Keidan, Philanthropy Practice Research Fellow City University London

14.10   Comments and panel discussion
Cristina Ljungberg, Founder Giving Wings
Maria Rankka
Zoltan Acs
Charles Keidan

15.00   Coffee

15.30   Social impact investment catalyzing innovation and entrepreneurship
Karen Wilson,
Senior Fellow Breugel and Science, Technology and Innovation Directorate OECD

15.50   Assessing the social return from investing in children in Sweden
Lars Hultkrantz, Professor Örebro University School of Business

16.10   Comments and panel discussion
Ulf Kristersson, Deputy Chair of Committee on Finance The Moderate Party
Karen Wilson
Lars Hultkrantz

16.45   Future trends and policy issues
Torbjörn Enström, Administrative Manager Fryshuset
Mikael Ahlström, Founding Partner Procuritas
Amelie Silfverstolpe, Founder Volontärbyrån and Program Director Axfoundation

17.45     After the conference we are happy to invite you for cocktails.

Moderators: Pontus Braunerhjelm, Research Director Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum and Johanna Palmberg, Research Director Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum

More speakers TBA

Why Philanthropy Matters: How the Wealthy Give, and What It Means for Our Economic Well-Being, Zoltan Acs
Philanthropy education in the UK and continental Europe:  Current provision, perceptions and opportunities, Charles Keiden
Social impact investment – Building the evindence base, Karen Wilson
Att utvärdera sociala investeringar, Lars Hultkrantz
Sociala investeringsfonder i Sverige – fakta och lärdomar, Lars Hultkrantz

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