New Swedish meeting place for social innovation

Social Innovation Summit takes place on November 24th and 25th, at Slagthuset in Malmö, Sweden. During two days the conference will identify future topics, across all sectors and develop new knowledge about financing, collaboration, policy, research and design for social innovation. Participants will meet and explore interesting examples from those at the forefront of this field, experts from all over the world and attend a dynamic program with exiting and parallel tracks and themes that are up-to-date in Sweden as well as globally. Together we will create the conditions needed in order to find new, innovative solutions to the most urgent societal challenges we are facing today.

International speakers such as Geoff Mulgan from Nesta, Chris Sigaloff from Kennisland and Kevin Jones from SOCAP contribute to the program, as do Swedish profiles such as Pär Larshans, Åsa Skogström Feldt, Sofia Appelgren and Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh. New speakers are added along the way and will be presented on the Social Innovation Summit website, where you can also read more about the details of the event.

So what is Social Innovation Summit all about? In the program you will find sessions about collaborative economy, design for social innovation, financing, business models for social sustainability, innovation in the public sector, sustainable urban development, “The Million Homes Program” as an arena for innovation, and more. Below are some of the Social Innovation Summit concepts, which sheds more light on what the experience of the conference will be.

Speakers, seminars and workshops
During these two days we have four, main keynote sessions. Before and after these sessions there will be four parallel tracks offering different seminars and workshops, arranged by Forum for Social Innovation Sweden, the city of Malmö and the Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society. There will also be some breakfast seminars, arranged by external guests on the theme of social innovation. All sessions are cross-sectorial, touching on new knowledge about financing, collaboration, policy, research and design for social innovation. The program offers interesting and cutting edge examples as well as known experts within the field, from all over the world.

100 social innovations
There is a great need to explain what we mean by social innovation, preferably through stories and good examples on social innovations. Big and broad collaborative projects as well as small and single innovations. We want to highlight examples of social innovation, new as well as old, to show what characterises social innovation. Social Innovation Summit will be the starting point for the Forum for Social Innovation Sweden’s work to produce a booklet entitled “100 social innovations”, with Swedish examples including an exhibition and a workshop.

Entrepreneurs and investors
Many good innovations are looking for network, potential clients, business development, consultation and financial support, and many investors are looking for something good to support and finance. During Social Innovation Summit we therefore plan to arrange various meeting places where investors and entrepreneurs/innovators can meet, share knowledge and discuss future ways to collaborate.

During Social Innovation Summit there will be an opportunity for external participants to show their work and activities within social innovation, in our exhibition area. Knowledge, inspiration and new methods will be shared. Here you will also find examples of social innovations that are connected to the 100 social innovations project.

Pop-Up Space
This is the arena for those wanting to tell the story behind their social innovation, a challenge they are facing or an appeal to those who are listening. During max 3 minutes you and your message will have all the attention and the arena will be hosted by a professional moderator.

Most of the activities will be during pauses and lunches, but also a place where guests can make new connections and find new inspiration during the entire conference. If you already know that you want a slot to speak at the Pop-Up Space then contact us to ensure your place. There will also be some last minute slots saved for people to sign up at the conference.

Sharing Space
This is an arena for opportunity, a Sharing Space, for sharing experiences, ideas, knowledge, networks, products and services on a number of current topics for developing Social Innovation.

There will also be a few examples of the growing collaborative economy, a concept often defined as: ”An economy built on distributed networks of interconnected individuals and communities rather than centralized institutions, and that is changing the way we produce, consume, finance and learn. ”- Rachel Botsman.


More from Social Innovation Summit:

Interview with Tris Lumley from New Philanthropy Capital (UK)
Interview with Geoff Mulgan from Nesta, (UK)
See all speakers

Read all about Social Innovation Summit here (in swedish)

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