What we do
Our overall goal is to strengthen social innovation as a driver of positive social change towards the implementation of Agenda 2030. We do this by sharing research-based knowledge and developing cross-sectoral collaboration.
Monitoring & knowledge sharing
We actively follow what is happening in the field of social innovation, social entrepreneurship and socially sustainable development, both in Sweden and internationally, to ensure that knowledge and experiences are developed, shared and put to use. To stimulate the scaling of social innovations and inspire more actors to make social innovation happen, we collect and share good examples, stories and future predictions.
On our website, we describe what social innovation is, why social innovations are needed, how actors work with and develop social innovations, who the actors in the ecosystem are and what they offer, and methods and tools for social innovation and co-creation. In the Stories & Events section, you will find news, events and publications.
Analysis & learning
In order to create and support long-term initiatives, we need to think about their purpose, their desired outcomes, what values they create and for whom. Together with researchers and other professionals in the social innovation field, we map, analyse and evaluate different projects and initiatives related to social innovation.
Some examples:
- On behalf of the Swedish ESF Council, we are the Competence Centre for Social Innovation in the European Social Fund (ESF). As a centre of expertise, we promote effective, sustainable and value-creating social innovations on work-related societal challenges, through knowledge, tools, coaching and exchange of experience. The assignment is carried out in collaboration with the National Network for Coordination Associations (NNS) and the Partnership for Social Innovation in Region Örebro County. Read more about the Competence Centre here.
- The report Ecosystem for social innovation in Sweden (2022)
- The report Support structure for innovative inclusion in working life and society (2023) (in Swedish)
- The European Social Enterprise Monitor (ESEM) (Information in Swedish)
- Collaboration with Telia on tools to demonstrate the value of social sustainability work. You can download the tool set here.
Models & tools
To meet today’s societal challenges , there is a need to develop new models and methods for social innovation, to support the different elements of social innovation processes and for collaboration between sectors of society. We map, describe, analyse and test new models and methods that aim to visualise, understand and develop social innovations.
Some examples of models, methods and tools:
- The Coalition Model – we have so far catalysed and started a number of coalitions where we have joined forces with stakeholders based on various societal challenges. Read more about the Coalition Model here.
- Social Impact Lab at Örebro University. Read more about it here.
- UNIC Centre for City Futures and Re-imaginatorium to co-create Malmö. Read more about UNIC here.
Meetings & co-creation
For social innovation to happen, different actors, stakeholders and funders need to exchange ideas, learn from each other, make new contacts and meet across sectors. We need to collaborate on different issues and contexts and co-create social solutions in new ways.
We create and facilitate cross-sectoral meetings and collaborations between private companies, the public sector, academia and civil society, for example through conferences, webinars, network meetings, workshops and seminars.
Some examples of our recurring meeting places:
- Social Innovation i Norr (Website in Swedish)
- The annual conference Innovative solutions for an inclusive working life organised within the Competence Center for Social Innovation. Read more about the conference here (website in Swedish)
- Current and previous events in English can be found in our calendar.