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Regional collaboration on societal challenges – a mapping of examples of long-term organisation (2024)
This report presents a mapping of Swedish and international examples of regional collaboration on societal challenges. The aim is to gather and disseminate knowledge and experience as inspiration for further development of support structures for social innovation.
Why Moral Imagination helps
open the way for
radical societal shifts
Phoebe Tickell is a British-Hungarian imagination activist inspiring people to see that a beautiful world is possible. Rather than getting paralyzed by the crisis, shutting down, and moving into a shame and blame game, we need to live up to our human values, bringing together the capacity to act by using inspiration and moral ambition.
European boosts and Swedish breaks on social innovation?
EVENT | 22 MARCH 2023
While EU has prioritised social innovation through several policy, Sweden seems to be lagging behind in strategic policy efforts.
In this session, key actors in Sweden and the EU discuss the challenges and potential in better supporting the multitude of social innovators and entrepreneurs, who keep on striving to achieve the global sustainability goals of the 2030 Agenda.
Future-Making academy
The Future-making Academy at Malmö University is a new initiative where we invite you to a reading circle with a focus on complexity, future-making, and collaboration. The purpose is to make research available, deepen and provide space to examine and discuss how thoughts and ideas from the texts we read can resonate with our own practices.
How to support
and empower young
social entrepreneurs
EVENT | 23 MARCH 2023
In this session and panel talk, we will share how Malmö University’s Forum for Social Innovation Sweden and IKEA Social Entrepreneurship support young entrepreneurs and start-ups in Sweden.
We will also meet three successful entrepreneurs and listen to their business journeys.
Social Innovation Foresight
Social Innovation Foresight combines live events with a series of videos.
Each Foresight bring the future to you by thought leaders, big thinkers, and pioneers from around the world. With Foresight, we give you an opportunity to listen to and watch innovative and creative keynotes and talks that stimulate new ideas and develop knowledge. Together we can make society equitable and regenerative through collective intelligence, transformation, and social innovation.
Making social
innovation happen
This report summarizes the results of an analysis of examples of support for social innovation. It presents examples from organizations supporting social innovation in Spain, France, Latvia and Sweden. The countries and organizations in the report are part of the Building Capacity for a Sustainable Society (BuiCaSuS) project.
Best practices show
key components in
supporting social innovation
To showcase success factors and avoid pitfalls for long-term societal change, 35 best practices on methods, tools and approaches from organisations on supporting social innovation processes have been collected in France, Latvia, Spain and Sweden.