Education and research methodology for and about social innovation and social entrepreneurship – Network meeting in Umeå

We hereby welcome you to the second network meeting for researchers with an interest in social innovation and social entrepreneurship.  The purpose of the gathering is to provide a place and a platform to discuss current and future research on social innovation in Sweden. The event takes place in connection with Social Innovation North.

When: 23 – 24th of April 2018

WhereUmeå university HumlabX

The theme for this gathering will focus on research methodology and education in relation to social innovation and social entrepreneurship.

Preliminary program

23rd. of April

17.00 – 00.00: For those who want, warm up, dinner and casual evening chats

24th of April

08.00 – 09.00 Breakfast and casual morning mingle

09.00 – 09.15   Short introduction of the day

09.15 – 11.15 Abstract and working paper presentations and discussions

11.15 – 12.00 Conclusions, future steps and activities.

Time and space for writing, planning and collaboration. We also recommend visits to Bildmuseet  – We also hope we will see you at the Social Innovation North event on the 25:th.

Nätverksträffen görs i anslutning till Social Innovation i Norr. Anmäl dig här


You register to the event by sending an e-mail to no later than 11th of April


Contact information

For questions concerning the event, contact, 0046-(0)72-715 38 50 or

Anna Sandström Emmelin. +46 (0)90 786 60 21/ +46 (0)70-341 50 82

The event is organised in collaboration with Forum Social Innovation Sweden, Luleå University of technology and Umeå University.


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